AI-driven Customer Experience Management - Octoparse CEM
About Us
Since 2016, Octoparse has been a global leader in web data collection, trusted by 4.5 million users. Our advanced technology enables seamless multi-channel data integration and AI-powered insights. With the Octoparse CEM system, we enhance these capabilities to help you unlock valuable business insights.
Partnered with 300+ industry-leading brands
Industry-First Integration: Unify all feedback sources, including public websites and internal systems
AI-powered analysis with 300+ pre-trained and customizable models
Key Milestones
  • 2016
    Founded, launched the first version of Octoparse, offering users a powerful web scraping tool.
  • 2018
    Expanded to a global market, reaching over 1 million users.
  • 2020
    Achieved 3 million users and enhanced the platform with AI-driven data processing capabilities.
  • 2021
    Released the Octoparse CEM (Customer Experience Management) system, integrating multi-channel data and AI insights.
  • 2022
    Reached 4.5 million users and continued to lead in web data collection and analytics.
  • 2023
    Introduced the Octoparse RPA tool,an AI-assisted robotic process automation for users at all levels.
  • 2016
    Founded, launched the first version of Octoparse, offering users a powerful web scraping tool.
  • 2018
    Expanded to a global market, reaching over 1 million users.
  • 2020
    Achieved 3 million users and enhanced the platform with AI-driven data processing capabilities.
  • 2021
    Released the Octoparse CEM (Customer Experience Management) system, integrating multi-channel data and AI insights.
  • 2022
    Reached 4.5 million users and continued to lead in web data collection and analytics.
  • 2023
    Introduced the Octoparse RPA tool,an AI-assisted robotic process automation for users at all levels.