AI-driven Customer Experience Management - Octoparse CEM
Campaign Optimization
Turn customer voices into your brand's superpower. Use real feedback to craft irresistible marketing, boost sales, and build a loyal fan base that keeps coming back for more.
Craft marketing that strikes a chord with customers
  • Unlock the power of real-time, omnichannel customer insights to supercharge your product launches and marketing strategies. With our solution, you'll craft laser-focused customer personas, uncover unique market positions, and design irresistible selling points that make your brand impossible to ignore.
Segment Smarter, Market Better
  • Octoparse CEM empowers your marketing team with razor-sharp customer segmentation. Slice and dice your audience based on behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns. Craft tailored campaigns that speak directly to each segment's needs, boosting engagement and conversion rates. Turn data into your competitive advantage—deliver the right message to the right customer at the right time.
Fuel powerful brand messaging with key insight mining
  • Tired of marketing guesswork? Our AI-powered CEM tool turns customer feedback into crystal-clear insights. See what resonates, measure impact precisely, and uncover hidden opportunities. From content to influencers, make every marketing move count.


"The platform to create the ultimate customer experience"

Bo T.
Octoparse CEM has given us real-time access to our customers' thoughts, allowing us to continuously improve with every drive.
Raymond F.
Octoparse CEM brings us closer to our customers than ever before, so we can prioritize needs and craft products that truly resonate with our customers.