AI-driven Customer Experience Management - Octoparse CEM
Food & Beverages
In the post pendemic grocery market, e-commerce and social media have a significant impact on consumer buying process, making it important for grocery brands to leverage technology to innovate and adapt brand strategy management. Octoparse CEM would help your brand analyze customer feedback with AI, streamline service, and increase customer satisfaction.
Identify and solve industry pain points
Industry Pain Points
  • It is not easy to monitor customer feedback across all social media platforms.
    Octoparse CEM can help you gather real-time data from all channels, enhancing reputation management by tracking and analyzing customer review.
  • The increasing and varying demands make it harder for brands to understand customer preference.
    With Octoparse CEM, you can quickly identify and locate changes in customers' concerns and needs.
  • There is intense competition among similar products in the market.
    Octoparse CEM visualizes data to compare your brand with competitors across all aspects, providing insights into differences and helping to refine your brand strategy.
  • Fragmented information makes it hard for start-up brands to grasp customer preferences and demands.
    Octoparse CEM efficiently uses NLP algorithms to extract key consumer opinions from vast amounts of data, offering valuable insights for brand positioning.

How CEM helps to build brands

How to monitor brand reputation on e-commerce platform and social media?
With Octoparse CEM, you can gather both direct and indirect consumer feedback from multiple channels, monitor real-time reviews, and enhance your reputation management.
How to meet growing and varying needs of customers and adapt to their evolving preference?
Octoparse CEM creates tailored analysis models for specific products and businesses, using NLP algorithms to convert data into actionable insights. This helps enhance product development, service, and CX management to better meet customer needs.
How to keep your hand on the pulse of the booming market and understand your competitors?
Octoparse CEM allows you to gather real-time data from the grocery industry, identify product differentiators by comparing with competitors, and accelerate new product development.
How to stay in trend and adapt to conusmer mindset?
Octoparse CEM helps you analyze omnichannel feedback to improve R&D and market strategy management, enabling you to map and optimize the entire customer journey.


"The platform to create the ultimate customer experience"

Bo T.
Octoparse CEM has given us real-time access to our customers' thoughts, allowing us to continuously improve with every drive.
Raymond F.
Octoparse CEM brings us closer to our customers than ever before, so we can prioritize needs and craft products that truly resonate with our customers.