AI-driven Customer Experience Management - Octoparse CEM
Market Research
Use customer feedback to identify specific needs and new ideas for products. Octoparse CEM helps you predict future trends, reduce the costs of testing new products, and keep creating popular items.
AI-Powered 360° Customer Insights
  • Ever wonder who's really buying your product and how they're using it? Octoparse CEM goes beyond the basics—it uncovers who's buying, how often they need it, and what they love (or don't) about it. Spot patterns, smooth out pain points, and create experiences that keep customers coming back for more. When you understand your customers, loyalty follows.
Quickly Identify Opportunities for Product Innovation
  • Octoparse CEM helps you keep up with changing market demands and find new opportunities for product and category innovation. It uncovers customer feedback and unmet needs, so you can develop new ideas and stay ahead of market trends.
Confident Product Innovation Decisions, Simplified
  • Use customer insights and behavior data to steer your product development and reduce the trial-and-error costs. Identify which concepts resonate most with your target market, ensuring you address customer needs from the start and make informed, strategic decisions.
Consistently Crafting Industry Hits
  • Analyze the latest industry trends and gather real-time customer feedback to stay ahead. Use these insights to proactively drive the development of standout, successful products.


"The platform to create the ultimate customer experience"

Bo T.
Octoparse CEM has given us real-time access to our customers' thoughts, allowing us to continuously improve with every drive.
Raymond F.
Octoparse CEM brings us closer to our customers than ever before, so we can prioritize needs and craft products that truly resonate with our customers.