AI-driven Customer Experience Management - Octoparse CEM


Meet Ecovacs

Founded in 1998, Coors is a global brand of home service robots. Corvus has a complete line of home service robots, the main products are floor cleaning robot DiBao, window cleaning robot WindowBao, air purifier QinBao, intelligent housekeeping robot ProBao. Online e-commerce is one of the most important sales channels for Cowas, at present, in addition to the official mall operated by Cowas, Cowas has e-commerce stores on Tmall, Taobao, Jingdong, Suning and other platforms.

AI Omnichannel Digital CEM Solution

In the past, it was difficult for companies to make statistics on customer experience because of the lack of algorithmic technology for processing text data. Nowadays, thanks to the development of artificial intelligence, NLP technology (Natural Language Processing) can well quantify text data, including the recognition of emotional tendencies of the text, and provide decision makers with quantitative and qualitative statistical judgments.
The AI team of Digital Broad Cloud Listening CEM has built a set of 360°refined index system covering products, services, market, brand, etc., tailored for the Corvus sweeping robot, which can be put into hundreds of indexes, such as, various evaluation indexes of the cleaning ability, appearance, materials, services, etc. At the same time, the positive and negative tendencies of users' emotions are counted for each index.
With the help of Digital Broad Cloud Listening CEM, Corvus has realized the digital quantitative statistics of customer experience in all dimensions, no longer relying on manual subjective statistics, improving the objectivity of data statistics and processing efficiency.

Why Octoparse CEM?

Ecovacs implements Octoparse CEM to better understand users and deliver innovative home experiences that drive engagement and advocacy. Octoparse CEM provides efficient data extraction capabilities that simplify the process of collecting customer behavior and preference data from multiple online sources. Its user-friendly interface, flexible customization options and real-time data processing capabilities enable organizations to respond quickly to customer feedback. In addition, Octoparse CEM seamlessly integrates with other tools and supports business scaling for organizations of all sizes, thus enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of overall customer experience management.